Grant received an extension on the firm’s contract providing facility management services at the historic Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library.
Located on Delsea Drive in Sewell, NJ, the library is a 20,000-square-foot, multi-level learning and education facility that hosted more than 250 programs and welcomed in excess of 22,000 visitors in 2020.

As the facility manager, Grant responds to the full spectrum of the library’s needs, including:
- Preventive maintenance for HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems.
- General maintenance, including patching and painting walls and ceiling tile replacement.
- General carpentry.
- Façade and grounds repair and maintenance.
- Emergency response services.
“As a firm headquartered in Gloucester County for nearly 25 years, we take great pride in providing Heggan Library, a true landmark among the community, with all-encompassing facility maintenance and management services,” said Jim N. Grant, owner and founder of Grant. “Working in educational facilities, and in particular libraries, present a rare set of circumstances from the educational needs to the gathering and entertainment aspects to the cutting-edge technology necessary to the historic nature of many of these buildings, which tend to be older.
“Our firm,” Grant continued, “is fortunate to have extensive experience serving a diverse set of libraries, which gives us an ability to provide proven expertise and solutions to the full spectrum of issues, including HVAC maintenance and repair; plumbing and electrical challenges; and the general building issues that crop up with painting, wall repairs, and general maintenance.”
Grant’s all-inclusive service offerings has proven valuable to the library.
“A number of our clients have cited the efficiency and convenience of making one call for the full spectrum of their needs,” Grant said. “We have strategically positioned our firm to be able to respond with an all-inclusive, in-house set of professionals. This gives us the capability to provide on-call services, as well as emergency responses, giving our clients the confidence of knowing we’re ready 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.”